We support leaders of purpose-driven organisations to navigate through complex change, performance and culture challenges.

We recognise every organisation is unique, and oozing with human potential. We also recognise the passion that drives purpose-driven leaders and organisations can, in overdrive, lead to burnout and performance failure.

We believe the key to thriving organisations and leaders is the intentional alignment of your organisational culture, leadership practices, behavioural norms, governance systems, and performance metrics with your purpose.

We can partner with you to work out how to do this in your unique operating environment. To discover and nurture the human potential in your complex adaptive organisational ecosystem. To develop your leaders’ capacity to mobilse your people to tackle challenges specific to your context, in your distinctive way. To design the structures, practices and culture you need to achieve the impact you seek, while supporting your people to thrive.

The way we work…

At Aurora Meliora, we understand that organisations are complex, dynamic ecosystems fuelled by human interactions, and every organisation is unique. Your people have extensive knowledge, skills and strengths. They know how to get things done. They remember what has worked in the past and what hasn’t. They can see where things are getting stuck. And they probably have some great ideas about how to move forward.

We believe in the potent partnership of insider insights and outsider perspective. So, we will walk along side you to illuminate the human potential in your system. Together, we will discover, design and deliver a bespoke approach to your challenge that is fit for your unique context, builds the capacity and resilience of your people, and exceeds your expectations.


